Did you encounter problems while towing with Lincoln Nautilus?


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I’ll be towing my buddy’s 1.2k pounds boat next month for a family get away. It’s my first attempt doing it. I’m all worried it might strain my batt and decrease driving range. I have read the manuql for towing capacity and what not but its not totally clear on me. I have no idea how to set it up either. I also searched for articles with similar case but it doesn’t ease my anxiety. I called Lincoln company myself but they were not picking up my call.

Does anyone here able to tow using their Nautilus? Id appreciate responses from your actual experiences and issues you’ve come to encounter. it will really be of big help to enlighten me somehow.
I’ll be towing my buddy’s 1.2k pounds boat next month for a family get away. It’s my first attempt doing it. I’m all worried it might strain my batt and decrease driving range. I have read the manuql for towing capacity and what not but its not totally clear on me. I have no idea how to set it up either. I also searched for articles with similar case but it doesn’t ease my anxiety. I called Lincoln company myself but they were not picking up my call.

Does anyone here able to tow using their Nautilus? Id appreciate responses from your actual experiences and issues you’ve come to encounter. it will really be of big help to enlighten me somehow.
The Lincoln Nautilus has a towing capacity of 1750 lbs only when it is equipped with the optional tow package that the company offers...Do you have it equipped with the optional tow package? If yes then, I don't think it would put too much strain on your battery and it can handle a 1.2k lbs boat. This link has towing guides that might help you with your problem.

https://www.lincolncanada.com/cmsli...coln TowingGuide Ev3 NS remediated v2 (1).pdf