Noise when the engine goes on


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Hello! I am new here. I don't know how to describe this issue, but I can hear a noise when I start the car after it has stayed for a while. The weird part is that it goes away a little after the car warms up. Is that normal? Ty!
Hello! I am new here. I don't know how to describe this issue, but I can hear a noise when I start the car after it has stayed for a while. The weird part is that it goes away a little after the car warms up. Is that normal? Ty!
Probably just the oil getting back into gear after resting. Does it sound like a ticking or more of a whirring noise?
It could also just be the engine parts doing their thing as they warm up. Some noises are totally normal when the car fires up, especially in the cold. If it’s not sticking around or getting louder. I wouldn’t stress about it too much.